Grandmaster William McDonald

With over 50 years of martial art experience, Senior-Founder & Grandmaster of the modern martial art discipline (Tong Il Lo Martial Science) has been accredited by many well known organizations and individuals throughout his life. Acquiring multiple black belt degrees & certifications in Kenpo Karate, Moo Duk Kwan, ITF Tae Kwon-Do, Muay Thai, Kubudo (weapons), and developed mastership skills in Qigong (energy training); as well as, having hands on experience as being security manager for several entertainment venues and nightclubs, and performing executive protection services (professional bodyguard) for several prestigious clients, Grandmaster William McDonald is known for following the philosophical teachings of the Art of War and the Art of Peace throughout his life.
Owing his lifelong journey in the martial arts to being bullied at the age of six, by three 6th graders, and then shortly after being inspired by Bruce Lee movies, he began his martial education in 1972. Throughout the years that have passed in his career, Grandmaster McDonald has competed in national and international tournaments, hosted dozens of successful seminars and tournaments, been inducted many times times by many martial art hall of fames, and has educated and promoted thousands of students throughout the United States. However, he has noted that one of his greater accomplishments was in 2003 when he was honored to present Tong Il Lo publicly, and in front of a testing board of distinguished judges. It was there that martial artist from different parts of the world witnessed Grandmaster McDonald’s creation. After being reviewed by the International Martial Arts Headfounders-Grandmaster’s Council, distinguished judges recommended the promotion of Grandmaster McDonald to 10th Degree Black Belt, and recognized Tong Il Lo to be a credible martial art discipline. In fact, the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame inducted him as “Grandmaster of the Year” in 2003 and in 2004 announced Tong Il Lo Martial Science as “Outstanding Martial Art System”. With all of that said, twenty years later, in 2023 Grandmaster McDonald was honored to be recognized by the Sport Karate Museum, whom appointed him the title of “History General”, for helping pioneer the arts of sport karate, though his lifetime achievements in the martial arts.
Continuing his endeavors, Grandmaster McDonald also coined a martial art organization known as the International Combative Martial Arts Association (ICMAA) as Executive Director, and created the Civilian Defense Program (CDP) to instruct individuals who are wanting to learn “Practical, Tactical, & Legal” defense techniques without black belt setting commitments.
In addition to the life-long credits attained in the martial art world, Grandmaster McDonald expanded his talent to create other endeavors. Some of his action skills have been caught on film in the movie industry. With over 25 years as a professional Fight & Stunt Coordinator, Actor, and Director, Grandmaster McDonald’s creative side moved him toward stardom. His work is credited on IMDb under his stage name, Billy Leo. Also making him a named celebrity, Grandmaster William McDonald took on the title as “The King of Martial Art Media” with the first opening podcast internet radio program, called KKN – Karate Kast Network, which was listened to in over 50 countries world-wide for a number of years.
Last, but not least, Grandmaster McDonald, has been know to many as a showman of skill using dynamic focus and discipline in his performances. It is quite common to see demonstrations of him breaking concrete set on fire, snapping arrows in half that are pushed against his throat, sword slicing watermelons over someone’s body while blindfolded, and even walking barefoot on broken glass or 1200° burning cinders. He credits many of these feats being inspired by his master teachers, and also by becoming a certified firewalking instructor in 2009.
Ultimately, Grandmaster William McDonald is focused on establishing unity among people through the expression of his teachings of TONG IL LO Martial Science, and plans to continue this venture throughout his lifetime.
Chief Instructor Gilbert Narváez
(July 12, 1972 – March 24, 1999)

Tong Il Lo’s Co-Founder, Gilbert Narváez, began his 20 year journey in the martial arts in 1980. Having excelled in several forms of combat studies, the late Mr. Narváez trained in such martial arts as Baguazhang, Hung Gar Kung Fu, Muay Thai, and Aiki-jujitsu (which was his primary love). At one point, from 1989 through 1991, he ventured out competitively with both the North Western Kickboxing Association and the International Kickboxing Association, fighting in the ring professionally.
Later credited for the ability of bridging multiple martial arts together and dissolving traditional barriers, Mr. Narváez united with Grandmaster McDonald on a quest to develop a highly structured and effective self-defense program (then known as “Hot Shots”) for kids, and in 1994 became the Co-Founder of this unique discipline. Humbly accepting this responsibility, he was also recognized with the titles of “Curriculum Coordinator” & “Chief Instructor” for Tong Il Lo.
It was his goal to see Tong Il Lo reach everyone who wished to learn to protect themselves with an unlimited means of defense. Thus, for a number of years, Chief Instructor Narváez conducted seminars and played an important active role in teaching and developing the skills of the Tong Il Lo students.
Alas, his journey ended suddenly at the age of 26, with the medical diagnosis of lymphoma. Although never certified with the rank title of Master, Chief Instructor Narváez left behind a legacy by becoming a pioneer of this now world recognized martial art system. He is honored by the students who learned from him, and through everyone who acquires rank in Tong Il Lo.
“If you attack someone, if you are the aggressor, and put someone in the situation that they have to defend themselves, then you have already defeated the purpose of the martial arts and you have already lost. Even if you win the fight, you have lost against yourself. The purpose of the martial arts is to defend, not attack!”
~ Gilbert Narváez
Master Jeremy Wolfgang
National Director

Showing outstanding loyalty to Tong Il Lo since 1995, Master Jeremy Wolfgang is one of the few who has trained with both Co-Founders (Grandmaster William McDonald and the late Chief Instructor Gilbert Narváez) in TONG IL LO. This training developed both his skills & character to become a stronger, yet humble person. However, before Master Wolfgang held the title of “Master,” he was one of the first students the Co-Founders had through their door. Owing a lifetime journey to his parents, who signed their son up for classes in hopes to better his focus and attain higher scholastic grades, he decided to commit himself to learn everything he could from Tong Il Lo and its creators.
Diagnosed with ADHD as a child, Master Wolfgang has attained the concentration needed to overcome life’s obstacles while growing up, and now maintains self-control over his emotions in order to excel in all of his endeavors. Throughout his life, he has shown great talent as a natural athlete and has astonished many with spectacular performances during tests and demonstrations. Alongside of his training, Master Wolfgang has competed in many well-known tournaments, and has ranked highly as a leading competitor.
Above and beyond his physical talents in Tong Il Lo, he also developed a gift for teaching his passion, and has always demonstrated outstanding leadership skills. This was his way of giving back what his instructors gave to him.
It was in 2008 that he became a literal testament of the Tong Il Lo system by being promoted to the ranking title of Master Instructor. That promotion struck a community interest, in his home town of Fort Worth, about his achievements (and how Tong Il Lo aided him) and was picked up by the local news station in this interview seen on Channel 5 (NBC-DFW). This news reel showcased him as the highest ranking student in Tong Il Lo, and also the first to receive the rank of Master in this system.
Since that time, Master Wolfgang accepted the title of National Director for Tong Il Lo Martial Science by Grandmaster McDonald. Leading with his talents as a senior ranking instructor, he has been an inspiration to many people throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area, and has tutored hundreds of students in also becoming champions of their own lives.
More recently, in 2023 Master Wolfgang received one of the highest honorable award in the system, TONG IL LO’s “Lone Wolf Award”. This award was presented to him at the 2023 TONG IL LO Camp-Out for recognition of his leadership abilities. Only a few students have ever receive this award.
Master Wolfgang has dedicated himself to make Tong Il Lo his way of life by continuing to expand his professional teachings, reaching out to others in need of developing their self-discipline to attain their own goals in life, and to help better people’s values in today’s society. Lastly, it is that mind-set of self-discipline and determination that he instills in others, that will one day assure him a title of being a Grandmaster in TONG IL LO Martial Science.